19 May

I lived in Hell's Kitchen from 1987-1992 - the infamous section of the Upper West Side carving into my marrow a furious quest to write my wares before I died, my one obsession. Still at it t'day, how many fuckin' years later...? Thirty-four years n' still scribbling stories. It's either serious mental illness folks or I'm destined at some point to finally sell a few tales before ol' man Death 'rives extending his skeletal hand while whispering, 'is time old bear to come with me.' Never sold a damn word. YET.

In 2021, my objective is quite simple - sell as much of what I've hacked out of my blood and bones for three decades so I can finally, like us all, be able to quit the day slog and retire to the dark woods and take care of my beloveds in ways only money can truly make happen. I've done the poor 'thing' bullshit, did the workin' every shit job I could find thing too often, did the the great american tragedy 'dirge' enough times to fill a drawer with dirty skivvies and socks, did the worship of other hackers until I choked on their successes and my failures so now IS the time to cash in. Why the fuck not? Everyone else does. Spend enough years at something, chances are ya might win a gold watch. As an ex of mine once said as we made our exits from what love we had but gutted into oblivion - 'luck favors the brave. Now fella, out ya go for fuck's sake!'

I went. Never invited back. But post that love/lust debacle I must say my writing has been endless. Best thing I ever did was flee that woman so my creativity could truly blossom. In the end, my leaving and hers, SAVED us both from the monsters we had become. I owe her much indeed. I was free.

Down to some business, if I may be so bold: the JACK RANCE detective series is open for ALL option deals from legit H.Wood producers, Indy directors and actors in desperate need to find roles to get them to the Red Carpet. The novel, DELCINA'S TREE needs a great female screenwriter to adapt to big screen or cable mini-series and THE BLARNEY BOYS (A Hell's Kitchen Tale) should also find it's home in Cinema.  So check out these titles and others on Amazon Books

In closing, I ask myself after 30 odd years of writing am I a good or great author? Answer - NO. I'm just a really good storyteller with memorable characters always. And that's good enough for me. Death, I hope when he shows up to lead me across the water to the afterworld realm might even whisper on the way - 'least ya wrote ya'self out old man.'

Peace! A'ho


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